Friday 15 January 2010


ehhhh hey peopleee, tau ga sih gue udh putuuuus sm ditooo, terus setelah brp bulan gt gue jadian sm vandoo tanggal 13.01.10, teruuus gue baru putuuus hari inii 15.01.10 nambah2in mantan doang ye lo? pas gue jadian sm lo gue syg bngtt sm lo trus lama2 gue ilfeel deeeeh, cacat abs wkwk, well gapapalaaah biarkanlah saja dia mau ngapain aja haha, ka edo udh ga sombong dooong ke guaaa <3 weheeeey & i got a new friend named ka teteeee :) dia baik bangeeet& jayus abs sumpah haha kocak anak nyaaa wkwk well kayanya itu doang deeh haha byebyeee :D

Wednesday 16 December 2009


et dah sumpah lo playboy bngt sih -,- gue prnh cinta matiii sm lo tp skrng udh ngg deh, gue malah nyesel prnh sk sm lo! pertamaa lo blng "iloveyou" ternyata lo tuh mainin gua! maaf deh gue prnh maksa lo dll tp gue gapernah setega ini sm lo, i dont feel anything about you anymore, and i'm not giving you your surprise on the ..... of january -,- grgrrr

Monday 14 December 2009

A Farewell by Charles Kingsley

My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
No lark could pipe to skies so dull and grey:
Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
For every day.

Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
Do noble things, not dream them, all day long:
And so make life, death, and that vast for-ever
One grand, sweet song.

Mariah carey,I'll be there

You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love
I'll be there
I'll reach out my hand to you
I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name
And I'll be there

I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
I'm so glad I found you yeah
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know I'll keep holding on

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, well it's all I'm after
Just call my name and
I'll be there
I'll be there to protect you
With an unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name
And I'll be there

I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
You know I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know I'll keep holding on

See, if you should ever find someone new
I know she better be good to you
'Cause if she doesn't then
I'll be there

Don't you know baby yeah yeah
I'll be there
I'll be there
Just call my name and
I'll be there

I'll be there, baby
You know I'll be there
Just call my name and
I'll be there
Just look over your shoulder
Just call my name and
I'll be there

gaada kerjaan

sumpah gue bosen bngtttt -,- gue hari ini baru nyampe aussy gt deh tp seharian di rumah -,- apzi bngtt! well sebelom gue berangkat kmrin i was chatting with my *used to be* gebetaaan, dia kaya lg depressi gt deh hihi kasian ya hihii, setelah dia cerita2 gt, aku mulai bersalah sm diaaa :( i feel like i can never take back what i did wrong! and i will never forget that stupid mistake ever! kalo baca post ini please ngerti kalo gue tuh dulu sering marah2 gara2 gue syg bngtt sm dia, trus dia malah mainin gua -,- hmhmm well i should justforget the past and focus on the future :) start freshhhh! HAHAH oh well gt doang deh hihi byee eh and SCHOOL HOLIDAYS STARTEEEEED! WEHEEEE (telat abs) hahahah well byeee

Monday 30 November 2009

boriiing -,-

gueeeee BOSEN! jumaat ampe minggu gue cma relaxing gitu deh terus senin ada test! which was todaay, gue stress men gara2 essay am map nyaaa! gue akhirnya afal tuh essay am map, trus yg defenition tuh gue blm afal wkwk tolol guaa, gue udh kaya pasrah deeh, bodo amat yg penting gua dpt nilaaai wkwk, besok ada english testtt! wsh me luckkkk:D:D pasti bisaa :) udah gitu doang haha byeee (ngebosenin kan -,- maaf yaa)

Saturday 28 November 2009


anjiing kmrin tuh fuck bngt sumpaaah! gue kan di ajak kaka2an gue ke citoos tp maleem, gue iya2 aja gitu, trus gue ngajak luna am ade gue am kaka2 gue haha, 1 rumah men ke citos wkwk terus, gue di ctos jam 7an gt, gue pingin ntn new moon yg jam 8 tp udh full jg kt beli yg jam 10, nah, kaka2an gue itu udh nyuruh gue nunggu gtuu, apan lagi di depan timezone ada orng alay gitu deh ngeliatin gue sm luna sm ade gue jg wkwk, back to the point! tiba2 kaka2an gue itu sms blng gabisa -,- kalo gabisa gue udh drtd sore ke citos! terus kmrin gue ampe jam 1 hahha tp seru jg siih :D:D ada dindaaaa hahaha telat bngt wkwk, eh eh gue lupaaa, sebelom gue ke citos gue brntm gt deh am bonyok, najis bngt sumfaaaah -,- yaa gitu doang haha ntar deh kalo gue mau cerita2 lg gue ngefost lg ahaaha