Wednesday 16 December 2009


et dah sumpah lo playboy bngt sih -,- gue prnh cinta matiii sm lo tp skrng udh ngg deh, gue malah nyesel prnh sk sm lo! pertamaa lo blng "iloveyou" ternyata lo tuh mainin gua! maaf deh gue prnh maksa lo dll tp gue gapernah setega ini sm lo, i dont feel anything about you anymore, and i'm not giving you your surprise on the ..... of january -,- grgrrr

Monday 14 December 2009

A Farewell by Charles Kingsley

My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
No lark could pipe to skies so dull and grey:
Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
For every day.

Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
Do noble things, not dream them, all day long:
And so make life, death, and that vast for-ever
One grand, sweet song.

Mariah carey,I'll be there

You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love
I'll be there
I'll reach out my hand to you
I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name
And I'll be there

I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
I'm so glad I found you yeah
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know I'll keep holding on

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, well it's all I'm after
Just call my name and
I'll be there
I'll be there to protect you
With an unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name
And I'll be there

I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
You know I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know I'll keep holding on

See, if you should ever find someone new
I know she better be good to you
'Cause if she doesn't then
I'll be there

Don't you know baby yeah yeah
I'll be there
I'll be there
Just call my name and
I'll be there

I'll be there, baby
You know I'll be there
Just call my name and
I'll be there
Just look over your shoulder
Just call my name and
I'll be there

gaada kerjaan

sumpah gue bosen bngtttt -,- gue hari ini baru nyampe aussy gt deh tp seharian di rumah -,- apzi bngtt! well sebelom gue berangkat kmrin i was chatting with my *used to be* gebetaaan, dia kaya lg depressi gt deh hihi kasian ya hihii, setelah dia cerita2 gt, aku mulai bersalah sm diaaa :( i feel like i can never take back what i did wrong! and i will never forget that stupid mistake ever! kalo baca post ini please ngerti kalo gue tuh dulu sering marah2 gara2 gue syg bngtt sm dia, trus dia malah mainin gua -,- hmhmm well i should justforget the past and focus on the future :) start freshhhh! HAHAH oh well gt doang deh hihi byee eh and SCHOOL HOLIDAYS STARTEEEEED! WEHEEEE (telat abs) hahahah well byeee

Monday 30 November 2009

boriiing -,-

gueeeee BOSEN! jumaat ampe minggu gue cma relaxing gitu deh terus senin ada test! which was todaay, gue stress men gara2 essay am map nyaaa! gue akhirnya afal tuh essay am map, trus yg defenition tuh gue blm afal wkwk tolol guaa, gue udh kaya pasrah deeh, bodo amat yg penting gua dpt nilaaai wkwk, besok ada english testtt! wsh me luckkkk:D:D pasti bisaa :) udah gitu doang haha byeee (ngebosenin kan -,- maaf yaa)

Saturday 28 November 2009


anjiing kmrin tuh fuck bngt sumpaaah! gue kan di ajak kaka2an gue ke citoos tp maleem, gue iya2 aja gitu, trus gue ngajak luna am ade gue am kaka2 gue haha, 1 rumah men ke citos wkwk terus, gue di ctos jam 7an gt, gue pingin ntn new moon yg jam 8 tp udh full jg kt beli yg jam 10, nah, kaka2an gue itu udh nyuruh gue nunggu gtuu, apan lagi di depan timezone ada orng alay gitu deh ngeliatin gue sm luna sm ade gue jg wkwk, back to the point! tiba2 kaka2an gue itu sms blng gabisa -,- kalo gabisa gue udh drtd sore ke citos! terus kmrin gue ampe jam 1 hahha tp seru jg siih :D:D ada dindaaaa hahaha telat bngt wkwk, eh eh gue lupaaa, sebelom gue ke citos gue brntm gt deh am bonyok, najis bngt sumfaaaah -,- yaa gitu doang haha ntar deh kalo gue mau cerita2 lg gue ngefost lg ahaaha

Thursday 26 November 2009


hey semua oraang udah lama ya gue blm ngefost haha (ngepost) udh jarang pake laptop nichh ckck, tau gaa gue jadiaaan! am cowo namanya ditto siborooo:) 221109 <3 iloveyousomuchditt! nih gua pingin cerita nih ttng mantan gua! penjelasan! gue pake bahasa inggris yaa...ehem ehem....I know i said i would love you forever, but you made me have no feeling over you, lu kan selingkuh! what kind of girl do you think i am? i thought you really loved me for me but you don't! lu tuh cuma kasian am gue makanya! najis bngt ye -,- gue ga perlu lo di hidup gue lagi! i dont need you!you know what! i wish we never met! you never made any difference in my life! you just made me sad all the time!! itu untuk mantan gue yang bernama ______ ! maap ya fake bahasa indonesia jg hahah udh kebiasaan wkwk udah deh, gatau mau ngmgin apa wkwk BYEBYE

Tuesday 17 November 2009

apaan bngt sih lu -,-

heh apaan bgt sih lu!?! gue ngapain aja ke lo!?! ampe lo tega nya ngmgin gue di blkng gue -,- udah aaah sabar aja dah guaa drpd gue buang2 energi -,- hmm gue boseen dari kmrin meen, udh senin gamasuk hari ini jg gamasuk, ga sabar deh gue besok ke sklh :D:D kangen temen2 huhuu, well bored here, udah lah besok deh liat kalo ada yg interesting story gituu haha :D:D udh BYEEE

Sunday 15 November 2009

hope next week will be a great week:)

SEMOGA AJAAAA MINGGU DEPAAN MINGGU YG PALIIING SERU :) gue lg males berantem lg males stress lg males sediih, maaf ke lauren dan lain2 kalo gue gabisa dtng :'( maaf bngtbngtbngttt, maaf ke cowo2 deh hahaha, maaf ke eyaang udah :D tomorrow will be a great day! turn over a new leaf!start freshhhh:D:D weheee

Saturday 14 November 2009

lupa nulis bloooog haha basket seru (y)

maaf yeaa, gue lupaa nulis blog nichhh haha, pas tanggal brp yeaa, lupa deh gue pokoknya hari jumaat, gue,lauren,dinda,stefi,amanda dll harus latihaan basket untk alix cup tapii hujaan, gue nya nunggu di kelas nya miss fs am dinda am tepi, sambil ngmg2 trus ade gue kaya manggil2 gue untuk pulang tp udh berkali2 blng gue latihan trus udh gue kesel yaudah gue kebawah, gue tiba2 liat ank2 pada main basket hujan2an! gilaa seruuu, jdi gue lari keatas manggil dinda trus kt langsung main hujan2an dehh, apa lagi ada DIAAA:) weheee haha, trus yg gue paling sebel tuh pas kt main mr allen dan guru2 yg lain pada ngelarang kt gt, jd kt harus nunggu ampe hujan nya selesai, tp ga selesai2 jdi kt nunggu guru2 phillipine pada plng trus kt main, mr allen dan mr endrik ma bodo amat ke kita haha, seru deeh (y) mau lagi guaa, MAAF YA LAURENSIA DAN STEFI GUE GABISA LATIHAN SABTU DAN MINGGU :( SENIN AMPE JUMAAT DEH GUE LATIHAAAN :D:D

Wednesday 11 November 2009


you're my friend and
that is true,
but the gift was given
from me to you.
we went through moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
you suported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear,

its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.

Make new friends
But keep the old
One is sliver and the other gold !


i dont know any backstabbers like you -,- ckck ternyata lo sebenernya kaya gitu tooh haha kalo gue tau gitu gue ga akan kenalan sm lo! najis aja gue kenalan sm lo! munafiiiiiik ! sok baik di dpn gue padahal lo tuh ngegossipin gue di belakang gue -,- grrrr gue ga akan maafin lo !! GA AKAN! what a big jerk -,- playboy najiiiis IHATEYOUSOFUCKINGMUCH!:D AND IM PROUD OF IT! HAH!

a poem by i dont know who, but it just touched my heart:)

Watching you from across the room
sends searing pain through my heart.
I think back to a year ago,
when I thought we'd never part.
My love for you just won't die down -
it just grows with each new day.
I wish you'd dare to look at me
and hear what I have to say;
"I love you and I want you back - "
but these words you just won't hear.
You don't seem to remember them -
all the memories I hold dear.
You were my first kiss, my first love
and now you don't even care.
How could you just blow it away?
We were the perfect pair.
you seem content to let me go -
You're doing fine as you are,
while I'm still missing how we were.
We had the best love by far.

apaan sih lo pada!?! cacat

apaan bngt siih cowo2 grade 8 -,- najis bngtt, gue kan ga ngatain agama islam! gua ngatain agal! mikir dong lu sebelum lu ngmg! -,- bego sih lu pada ga punya otakkk, gue udah laah diem ajaa, daripada brntm nambah2in dosa, MEREKA TUH GA TAKUT KE NERAKA! mampus aja lu ntar -,- pokoknyaa tmn2 gue yg paling gue sayaaang, DINDA DARLENE LAUREN AMANDA JESSICA MARGARETH STEFII DARMA JEREMY KASIH! udah tuh yg baik2 :D yang lain ma mati aja lu semua ke laut -,-

Tuesday 10 November 2009


why do i suddenly feel this way ? from getting to know him to wanting to be with HIM forever, i'm not sure how i feel about him but all i know is that i care about HIM so much :") he touched my heart when i was sad, made me laugh all the time, he's soo nice to me, but i just dont believe that i can be with him HAHAHA im not sure why but i dont think he feels the same way, well dont remember the past, dont think of the future, focus on the past :) i just want you to know....that i care about you, and i will always be there for you

Monday 9 November 2009

depressed, stress, apa lagi -,-

hari inii gue stress banget coy -,- gue ke sekolaah lupa belajar untuk quiz VSP am lupa ngerjain project science and bible. Gue belajar VSP pas gue nyampe sklh dan akhirnyaa gue ngerti dikiit haha, untuk bible, Mr.Sam udah kaya "where is your project?!" blablabla haha gue blng tinta gue abis jd gue hrs kasih besook haha oiaa tadi pas bible kocak bngtt, jeremy am agal kan lg main tmpt pensil gitu lempar2an, Agal mau lempar ke Jeremy eh malah kena kepala nya Mr.Sam ckck trus agal disuruh keluar haha, trus pas pulang sklh gue dinda jeremy am william main cat gt -,- muka gue tuh ampe kenaaa, I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE DIN MUAHAHAHA, well itu doang ahahah, udah dulu deh, gue mau ngerjain project2 BYEEEE :)

Sunday 8 November 2009

cape guaaa

gilaa tau ga siih, gue udh bikin blog 3 kalii semua lupa password -,- kalo gue lupa pass ini, gue ga akan bikiiin blog lagi deh coy -,- haha, m skrng gue cerita2 aja deh, gue baru aja di tembak nih am cowoo, tp baru kenaal -,- astaga bngt sumpah haha, well, dia keliatan baiik, tp gue ga nrima hehe, tau ga sih kmrin tuh plin plan bngt sumpaah -,- kmrin seharusnya nyantai tenryata ngg, gue kan ke pl cup untk ktmuan am tmn2 gue dri tarsat, lah tmn2 gue pada ngg angkat telp. jadi gue nyariin mereka stngh mampus, akhirnya ketemu gue am loren ngmg am mereka, blng tanding baru jam 4an gitu-,- ngapain kt dtng pagi2 kalo gituu AAAAA teruus kt nunggu ampe kt makan 2 kali am minum 3 kali ampe gue kebelet kencing ckck, setelah ituu seharusnya kt ke pim eh malas mereka ngilang -,- gue am loren udh kaya kesel bngttt, yaudah kt lupain aja, kt ke pim, udh beli ticket untk ntn halloween 2, trus pas mau jalan2 dennis telp. blng dia lg otw ke pim -,- yaudah kt bvuang ticket nya, terus mereka malah nyampe jam 7an -,- gue am loren udh kaya nungguuuu lama bngtt, terus akhirnya mereka dtng, eh kt nungguin cewe nya dennis -,- lama bngtt sumpah, udah bete gua, trus pas ketemu kt beli yg jam 9 gitu, pas film nya mulai bru brp meniit gt, mama nya loren marah2 gitu dechh, yaa kt berdua plng -___- cacat bngtt sumpah, ga jalan lg dah gue sm dennis am sandy -,-