Thursday 26 November 2009


hey semua oraang udah lama ya gue blm ngefost haha (ngepost) udh jarang pake laptop nichh ckck, tau gaa gue jadiaaan! am cowo namanya ditto siborooo:) 221109 <3 iloveyousomuchditt! nih gua pingin cerita nih ttng mantan gua! penjelasan! gue pake bahasa inggris yaa...ehem ehem....I know i said i would love you forever, but you made me have no feeling over you, lu kan selingkuh! what kind of girl do you think i am? i thought you really loved me for me but you don't! lu tuh cuma kasian am gue makanya! najis bngt ye -,- gue ga perlu lo di hidup gue lagi! i dont need you!you know what! i wish we never met! you never made any difference in my life! you just made me sad all the time!! itu untuk mantan gue yang bernama ______ ! maap ya fake bahasa indonesia jg hahah udh kebiasaan wkwk udah deh, gatau mau ngmgin apa wkwk BYEBYE

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA broken englissh,cooooool (y)
    and i totally agree :)
